Important Dates
May 15, 2023: Submission Deadline
June 10, 2023: Notifications
August 19-25, 2023: IJCAI-23 Conference
Designed initially to take place in Cape Town, South Africa, the IJCAI 2023 D&I program includes a special focus on local South African and other African researchers, by providing opportunities to promote their research and to network. While the conference transitioned to Macao, IJCAI remains committed to this aim and will include a special “African Spotlight” poster session, which will be co-located with the main track’s poster session. Researchers and students whose work will be selected for this poster session will be provided with a scholarship to partially or fully cover their registration fee and their travel to Macao. This funding is provided by the AIJ sponsorship program for promoting AI and the South African National Institute for Theoretical and Computational Sciences.
We would like to invite graduate students, postdocs, and researchers who are affiliated with an African university to submit a poster proposal. Submissions can present an overview of the applicant’s research, or focus on a specific project in which they are the leading researchers. As IJCAI 2023 is not expected to be a hybrid event, all support is contingent on the applicant’s in-person attendance if accepted.
Requirements for Poster Proposals
Proposals should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file via email to We will continue to process submissions as they arrive until May 15, 2023.
The submission should be short (at most 1 page in pdf format) and contain the following:
- A 200-word abstract describing the research to be presented in the poster.
- The name, organization, email address, and URL of the homepage of the applicant.
- The current position of the applicant – researcher, postdoc, or graduate student
- If the applicant is a student, include the year in the program and the advisor(s) name(s).
- Is the applicant applying for the IJCAI grant program or the volunteer program?
Please send all questions to the IJCAI 2023 Diversity and Inclusion Chair (, Reuth Mirsky.