Accpted Papers List

A Survey on Efficient Training of Transformers
Bohan Zhuang, Jing Liu, Zizheng Pan, Haoyu He, Yuetian Weng, Chunhua Shen
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Recent advances in Transformers have come with a huge requirement on computing resources, highlighting the importance of developing efficient training techniques to make Transformer training faster, at lower cost, and to higher accuracy by the efficient use of computation and memory resources. This survey provides the first systematic overview of the efficient training of Transformers, covering the recent progress in acceleration arithmetic and hardware, with a focus on the former. We analyze and compare methods that save computation and memory costs for intermediate tensors during training, together with techniques on hardware/algorithm co-design. We finally discuss challenges and promising areas for future research.
List of keywords
Survey -> Machine Learning
Survey -> Natural Language Processing
Survey -> Computer Vision
Survey -> Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications
Even If Explanations: Prior Work, Desiderata & Benchmarks for Semi-Factual XAI
Saugat Aryal, Mark T. Keane
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Recently, eXplainable AI (XAI) research has focused on counterfactual explanations as post-hoc justifications for AI-system decisions (e.g., a customer refused a loan might be told “if you asked for a loan with a shorter term, it would have been approved”). Counterfactuals explain what changes to the input-features of an AI system change the output-decision. However, there is a sub-type of counterfactual, semi-factuals, that have received less attention in AI (though the Cognitive Sciences have studied them more). This paper surveys semi-factual explanation, summarising historical and recent work. It defines key desiderata for semi-factual XAI, reporting benchmark tests of historical algorithms (as well as a novel, naïve method) to provide a solid basis for future developments.
List of keywords
Survey -> Machine Learning
Survey -> AI Ethics, Trust, Fairness
Survey -> Humans and AI
Graph Pooling for Graph Neural Networks: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities
Chuang Liu, Yibing Zhan, Jia Wu, Chang Li, Bo Du, Wenbin Hu, Tongliang Liu, Dacheng Tao
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Graph neural networks have emerged as a leading architecture for many graph-level tasks, such as graph classification and graph generation. As an essential component of the architecture, graph pooling is indispensable for obtaining a holistic graph-level representation of the whole graph. Although a great variety of methods have been proposed in this promising and fast-developing research field, to the best of our knowledge, little effort has been made to systematically summarize these works. To set the stage for the development of future works, in this paper, we attempt to fill this gap by providing a broad review of recent methods for graph pooling. Specifically, 1) we first propose a taxonomy of existing graph pooling methods with a mathematical summary for each category; 2) then, we provide an overview of the libraries related to graph pooling, including the commonly used datasets, model architectures for downstream tasks, and open-source implementations; 3) next, we further outline the applications that incorporate the idea of graph pooling in a variety of domains; 4) finally, we discuss certain critical challenges facing current studies and share our insights on future potential directions for research on the improvement of graph pooling.
List of keywords
Survey -> Data Mining
Survey -> Machine Learning
A Survey on Dataset Distillation: Approaches, Applications and Future Directions
Jiahui Geng, Zongxiong Chen, Yuandou Wang, Herbert Woisetschlaeger, Sonja Schimmler, Ruben Mayer, Zhiming Zhao, Chunming Rong
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Dataset distillation is attracting more attention in machine learning as training sets continue to grow and the cost of training state-of-the-art models becomes increasingly high. By synthesizing datasets with high information density, dataset distillation offers a range of potential applications, including support for continual learning, neural architecture search, and privacy protection. Despite recent advances, we lack a holistic understanding of the approaches and applications. Our survey aims to bridge this gap by first proposing a taxonomy of dataset distillation, characterizing existing approaches, and then systematically reviewing the data modalities, and related applications. In addition, we summarize the challenges and discuss future directions for this field of research.
List of keywords
Survey -> Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Survey -> Computer Vision
Survey -> Machine Learning
Survey -> AI Ethics, Trust, Fairness
Game-theoretic Mechanisms for Eliciting Accurate Information
Boi Faltings
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Artificial Intelligence often relies on information obtained from others through crowdsourcing, federated learning, or data markets. It is crucial to ensure that this data is accurate. Over the past 20 years, a variety of incentive mechanisms have been developed that use game theory to reward the accuracy of contributed data. These techniques are applicable to many settings where AI uses contributed data. This survey categorizes the different techniques and their properties, and shows their limits and tradeoffs. It identifies open issues and points to possible directions to address these.
List of keywords
Survey -> Game Theory and Economic Paradigms
Survey -> Machine Learning
Survey -> Humans and AI
Benchmarking eXplainable AI – A Survey on Available Toolkits and Open Challenges
Phuong Quynh Le, Meike Nauta, Van Bach Nguyen, Shreyasi Pathak, Jörg Schlötterer, Christin Seifert
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The goal of Explainable AI (XAI) is to make the reasoning of a machine learning model accessible to humans, such that users of an AI system can evaluate and judge the underlying model. Due to the blackbox nature of XAI methods it is, however, hard to disentangle the contribution of a model and the explanation method to the final output. It might be unclear on whether an unexpected output is caused by the model or the explanation method. Explanation models, therefore, need to be evaluated in technical (e.g. fidelity to the model) and user-facing (correspondence to domain knowledge) terms. A recent survey has identified 29 different automated approaches to quantitatively evaluate explanations. In this work, we take an additional perspective and analyse which toolkits and data sets are available. We investigate which evaluation metrics are implemented in the toolkits and whether they produce the same results. We find that only a few aspects of explanation quality are currently covered, data sets are rare and evaluation results are not comparable across different toolkits. Our survey can serve as a guide for the XAI community for identifying future directions of research, and most notably, standardisation of evaluation.
List of keywords
Survey -> Machine Learning
Survey -> Humans and AI
Survey -> AI Ethics, Trust, Fairness
Curriculum Graph Machine Learning: A Survey
Haoyang Li, Xin Wang, Wenwu Zhu
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Graph machine learning has been extensively studied in both academia and industry. However, in the literature, most existing graph machine learning models are designed to conduct training with data samples in a random order, which may suffer from suboptimal performance due to ignoring the importance of different graph data samples and their training orders for the model optimization status. To tackle this critical problem, curriculum graph machine learning (Graph CL), which integrates the strength of graph machine learning and curriculum learning, arises and attracts an increasing amount of attention from the research community. Therefore, in this paper, we comprehensively overview approaches on Graph CL and present a detailed survey of recent advances in this direction. Specifically, we first discuss the key challenges of Graph CL and provide its formal problem definition. Then, we categorize and summarize existing methods into three classes based on three kinds of graph machine learning tasks, i.e., node-level, link-level, and graph-level tasks. Finally, we share our thoughts on future research directions. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first survey for curriculum graph machine learning.
List of keywords
Survey -> Machine Learning
A Survey on User Behavior Modeling in Recommender Systems
Zhicheng He, Weiwen Liu, Wei Guo, Jiarui Qin, Yingxue Zhang, Yaochen Hu, Ruiming Tang
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User Behavior Modeling (UBM) plays a critical role in user interest learning, which has been extensively used in recommender systems. Crucial interactive patterns between users and items have been exploited, which brings compelling improvements in many recommendation tasks. In this paper, we attempt to provide a thorough survey of this research topic. We start by reviewing the research background of UBM. Then, we provide a systematic taxonomy of existing UBM research works, which can be categorized into four different directions including Conventional UBM, Long-Sequence UBM, Multi-Type UBM, and UBM with Side Information. Within each direction, representative models and their strengths and weaknesses are comprehensively discussed. Besides, we elaborate on the industrial practices of UBM methods with the hope of providing insights into the application value of existing UBM solutions. Finally, we summarize the survey and discuss the future prospects of this field.
List of keywords
Survey -> Search
Survey -> Data Mining
Anti-unification and Generalization: A Survey
David M. Cerna, Temur Kutsia
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Anti-unification (AU) is a fundamental operation for generalization computation used for inductive inference. It is the dual operation to unification, an operation at the foundation of automated theorem proving. Interest in AU from the AI and related communities is growing, but without a systematic study of the concept nor surveys of existing work, investigations often resort to developing application-specific methods that existing approaches may cover. We provide the first survey of AU research and its applications and a general framework for categorizing existing and future developments.
List of keywords
Survey -> Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Survey -> Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications
Complexity Results and Exact Algorithms for Fair Division of Indivisible Items: A Survey
Trung Thanh Nguyen, Jörg Rothe
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Fair allocation of indivisible goods is a central topic in many AI applications. Unfortunately, the corresponding problems are known to be NP-hard for many fairness concepts, so unless P = NP, exact polynomial-time algorithms cannot exist for them. In practical applications, however, it would be highly desirable to find exact solutions as quickly as possible. This motivates the study of algorithms that—even though they only run in exponential time—are as fast as possible and exactly solve such problems. We present known complexity results for them and give a survey of important techniques for designing such algorithms, mainly focusing on four common fairness notions: max-min fairness, maximin share, maximizing Nash social welfare, and envy-freeness. We also highlight the most challenging open problems for future work.
List of keywords
Survey -> Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems
Survey -> AI Ethics, Trust, Fairness
Survey -> Game Theory and Economic Paradigms
Bayesian Federated Learning: A Survey
Longbing Cao, Hui Chen, Xuhui Fan, Joao Gama, Yew-Soon Ong, Vipin Kumar
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Federated learning (FL) demonstrates its advantages in integrating distributed infrastructure, communication, computing and learning in a privacy-preserving manner. However, the robustness and capabilities of existing FL methods are challenged by limited and dynamic data and conditions, complexities including heterogeneities and uncertainties, and analytical explainability. Bayesian federated learning (BFL) has emerged as a promising approach to address these issues. This survey presents a critical overview of BFL, including its basic concepts, its relations to Bayesian learning in the context of FL, and a taxonomy of BFL from both Bayesian and federated perspectives. We categorize and discuss client- and server-side and FL-based BFL methods and their pros and cons. The limitations of the existing BFL methods and the future directions of BFL research further address the intricate requirements of real-life FL applications.
List of keywords
Survey -> Machine Learning
Survey -> Data Mining
Survey -> Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications
Survey -> Uncertainty in AI
A Systematic Survey of Chemical Pre-trained Models
Jun Xia, Yanqiao Zhu, Yuanqi Du, Stan Z. Li
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Deep learning has achieved remarkable success in learning representations for molecules, which is crucial for various biochemical applications, ranging from property prediction to drug design. However, training Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) from scratch often requires abundant labeled molecules, which are expensive to acquire in the real world. To alleviate this issue, tremendous efforts have been devoted to Chemical Pre-trained Models (CPMs), where DNNs are pre-trained using large-scale unlabeled molecular databases and then fine-tuned over specific downstream tasks. Despite the prosperity, there lacks a systematic review of this fast-growing field. In this paper, we present the first survey that summarizes the current progress of CPMs. We first highlight the limitations of training molecular representation models from scratch to motivate CPM studies. Next, we systematically review recent advances on this topic from several key perspectives, including molecular descriptors, encoder architectures, pre-training strategies, and applications. We also highlight the challenges and promising avenues for future research, providing a useful resource for both machine learning and scientific communities.
List of keywords
Survey -> Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications
Survey -> Data Mining
Survey -> Machine Learning
Survey -> Natural Language Processing
Good Explanations in Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI): Evidence from Human Explanatory Reasoning
Ruth M.J. Byrne
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Insights from cognitive science about how people understand explanations can be instructive for the development of robust, user-centred explanations in eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI). I survey key tendencies that people exhibit when they construct explanations and make inferences from them, of relevance to the provision of automated explanations for decisions by AI systems. I first review experimental discoveries of some tendencies people exhibit when they construct explanations, including evidence on the illusion of explanatory depth, intuitive versus reflective explanations, and explanatory stances. I then consider discoveries of how people reason about causal explanations, including evidence on inference suppression, causal discounting, and explanation simplicity. I argue that central to the XAI endeavor is the requirement that automated explanations provided by an AI system should make sense to human users.
List of keywords
Survey -> Humans and AI
Survey -> AI Ethics, Trust, Fairness
Survey -> Machine Learning
Towards Utilitarian Online Learning — A Review of Online Algorithms in Open Feature Space
Yi He, Christian Schreckenberger, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Xindong Wu
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Human intelligence comes from the capability to describe and make sense of the world surrounding us, often in a lifelong manner. Online Learning (OL) allows a model to simulate this capability, which involves processing data in sequence, making predictions, and learning from predictive errors. However, traditional OL assumes a fixed set of features to describe data, which can be restrictive. In reality, new features may emerge and old features may vanish or become obsolete, leading to an open feature space. This dynamism can be caused by more advanced or outdated technology for sensing the world, or it can be a natural process of evolution. This paper reviews recent breakthroughs that strived to enable OL in open feature spaces, referred to as Utilitarian Online Learning (UOL). We taxonomize existing UOL models into three categories, analyze their pros and cons, and discuss their application scenarios. We also benchmark the performance of representative UOL models, highlighting open problems, challenges, and potential future directions of this emerging topic.
List of keywords
Survey -> Data Mining
Survey -> Uncertainty in AI
Survey -> Game Theory and Economic Paradigms
Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion: A Survey
Borui Cai, Yong Xiang, Longxiang Gao, He Zhang, Yunfeng Li, Jianxin Li
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Knowledge graph completion (KGC) predicts missing links and is crucial for real-life knowledge graphs, which widely suffer from incompleteness. KGC methods assume a knowledge graph is static, but that may lead to inaccurate prediction results because many facts in the knowledge graphs change over time. Emerging methods have recently shown improved prediction results by further incorporating the temporal validity of facts; namely, temporal knowledge graph completion (TKGC). With this temporal information, TKGC methods explicitly learn the dynamic evolution of the knowledge graph that KGC methods fail to capture. In this paper, for the first time, we comprehensively summarize the recent advances in TKGC research. First, we detail the background of TKGC, including the preliminary knowledge, benchmark datasets, and evaluation metrics. Then, we summarize existing TKGC methods based on how the temporal validity of facts is used to capture the temporal dynamics. Finally, we conclude the paper and present future research directions of TKGC.
List of keywords
Survey -> Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Transformers in Time Series: A Survey
Qingsong Wen, Tian Zhou, Chaoli Zhang, Weiqi Chen, Ziqing Ma, Junchi Yan, Liang Sun
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Transformers have achieved superior performances in many tasks in natural language processing and computer vision, which also triggered great interest in the time series community. Among multiple advantages of Transformers, the ability to capture long-range dependencies and interactions is especially attractive for time series modeling, leading to exciting progress in various time series applications. In this paper, we systematically review Transformer schemes for time series modeling by highlighting their strengths as well as limitations. In particular, we examine the development of time series Transformers in two perspectives. From the perspective of network structure, we summarize the adaptations and modifications that have been made to Transformers in order to accommodate the challenges in time series analysis. From the perspective of applications, we categorize time series Transformers based on common tasks including forecasting, anomaly detection, and classification. Empirically, we perform robust analysis, model size analysis, and seasonal-trend decomposition analysis to study how Transformers perform in time series. Finally, we discuss and suggest future directions to provide useful research guidance.
List of keywords
Survey -> Machine Learning
Survey -> Data Mining
Survey -> Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications
Assessing and Enforcing Fairness in the AI Lifecycle
Roberta Calegari, Gabriel G. Castañé, Michela Milano, Barry O’Sullivan
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A significant challenge in detecting and mitigating bias is creating a mindset amongst AI developers to address unfairness. The current literature on fairness is broad, and the learning curve to distinguish where to use existing metrics and techniques for bias detection or mitigation is difficult. This survey systematises the state-of-the-art about distinct notions of fairness and relative techniques for bias mitigation according to the AI lifecycle. Gaps and challenges identified during the development of this work are also discussed.
List of keywords
Survey -> AI Ethics, Trust, Fairness
Survey -> Machine Learning
Survey -> Humans and AI
Survey on Online Streaming Continual Learning
Nuwan Gunasekara, Bernhard Pfahringer, Heitor Murilo Gomes, Albert Bifet
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Stream Learning (SL) attempts to learn from a data stream efficiently. A data stream learning algorithm should adapt to input data distribution shifts without sacrificing accuracy. These distribution shifts are known as ”concept drifts” in the literature. SL provides many supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised methods for detecting and adjusting to concept drift. On the other hand, Continual Learning (CL) attempts to preserve previous knowledge while performing well on the current concept when confronted with concept drift. In Online Continual Learning (OCL), this learning happens online. This survey explores the intersection of those two online learning paradigms to find synergies. We identify this intersection as Online Streaming Continual Learning (OSCL). The study starts with a gentle introduction to SL and then explores CL. Next, it explores OSCL from SL and OCL perspectives to point out new research trends and give directions for future research.
List of keywords
Survey -> Machine Learning
Survey -> Data Mining
Survey -> Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications
Generative Diffusion Models on Graphs: Methods and Applications
Chengyi Liu, Wenqi Fan, Yunqing Liu, Jiatong Li, Hang Li, Hui Liu, Jiliang Tang, Qing Li
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Diffusion models, as a novel generative paradigm, have achieved remarkable success in various image generation tasks such as image inpainting, image-to-text translation, and video generation. Graph generation is a crucial computational task on graphs with numerous real-world applications. It aims to learn the distribution of given graphs and then generate new graphs. Given the great success of diffusion models in image generation, increasing efforts have been made to leverage these techniques to advance graph generation in recent years. In this paper, we first provide a comprehensive overview of generative diffusion models on graphs, In particular, we review representative algorithms for three variants of graph diffusion models, i.e., Score Matching with Langevin Dynamics (SMLD), Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM), and Score-based Generative Model (SGM). Then, we summarize the major applications of generative diffusion models on graphs with a specific focus on molecule and protein modeling. Finally, we discuss promising directions in generative diffusion models on graph-structured data.
List of keywords
Survey -> Data Mining
Survey -> Machine Learning
Survey -> Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Heuristic-Search Approaches for the Multi-Objective Shortest-Path Problem: Progress and Research Opportunities
Oren Salzman, Ariel Felner, Carlos Hernández, Han Zhang, Shao-Hung Chan, Sven Koenig
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In the multi-objective shortest-path problem we are interested in computing a path, or a set of paths that simultaneously balance multiple cost functions. This problem is important for a diverse range of applications such as transporting hazardous materials considering travel distance and risk. This family of problems is not new with results dating back to the 1970’s. Nevertheless, the significant progress made in the field of heuristic search resulted in a new and growing interest in the sub-field of multi-objective search. Consequently, in this paper we review the fundamental problems and techniques common to most algorithms and provide a general overview of the field. We then continue to describe recent work with an emphasis on new challenges that emerged and the resulting research opportunities.
List of keywords
Survey -> Search
State-wise Safe Reinforcement Learning: A Survey
Weiye Zhao, Tairan He, Rui Chen, Tianhao Wei, Changliu Liu
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Despite the tremendous success of Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms in simulation environments, applying RL to real-world applications still faces many challenges. A major concern is safety, in another word, constraint satisfaction. State-wise constraints are one of the most common constraints in real-world applications and one of the most challenging constraints in Safe RL. Enforcing state-wise constraints is necessary and essential to many challenging tasks such as autonomous driving, robot manipulation. This paper provides a comprehensive review of existing approaches that address state-wise constraints in RL. Under the framework of State-wise Constrained Markov Decision Process (SCMDP), we will discuss the connections, differences, and trade-offs of existing approaches in terms of (i) safety guarantee and scalability, (ii) safety and reward performance, and (iii) safety after convergence and during training. We also summarize limitations of current methods and discuss potential future directions.
List of keywords
Survey -> Machine Learning
Survey -> Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization
Survey -> Robotics
Machine Learning for Cutting Planes in Integer Programming: A Survey
Arnaud Deza, Elias B. Khalil
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We survey recent work on machine learning (ML) techniques for selecting cutting planes (or cuts) in mixed-integer linear programming (MILP). Despite the availability of various classes of cuts, the task of choosing a set of cuts to add to the linear programming (LP) relaxation at a given node of the branch-and-bound (B&B) tree has defied both formal and heuristic solutions to date. ML offers a promising approach for improving the cut selection process by using data to identify promising cuts that accelerate the solution of MILP instances. This paper presents an overview of the topic, highlighting recent advances in the literature, common approaches to data collection, evaluation, and ML model architectures. We analyze the empirical results in the literature in an attempt to quantify the progress that has been made and conclude by suggesting avenues for future research.
List of keywords
Survey -> Machine Learning
Survey -> Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization
Generalizing to Unseen Elements: A Survey on Knowledge Extrapolation for Knowledge Graphs
Mingyang Chen, Wen Zhang, Yuxia Geng, Zezhong Xu, Jeff Z. Pan, Huajun Chen
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Knowledge graphs (KGs) have become valuable knowledge resources in various applications, and knowledge graph embedding (KGE) methods have garnered increasing attention in recent years. However, conventional KGE methods still face challenges when it comes to handling unseen entities or relations during model testing. To address this issue, much effort has been devoted to various fields of KGs. In this paper, we use a set of general terminologies to unify these methods and refer to them collectively as Knowledge Extrapolation. We comprehensively summarize these methods, classified by our proposed taxonomy, and describe their interrelationships. Additionally, we introduce benchmarks and provide comparisons of these methods based on aspects that are not captured by the taxonomy. Finally, we suggest potential directions for future research.
List of keywords
Survey -> Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Survey -> Natural Language Processing
Survey -> Machine Learning
A Survey of Federated Evaluation in Federated Learning
Behnaz Soltani, Yipeng Zhou, Venus Haghighi, John C. S. Lui
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In traditional machine learning, it is trivial to conduct model evaluation since all data samples are managed centrally by a server. However, model evaluation becomes a challenging problem in federated learning (FL), which is called federated evaluation in this work. This is because clients do not expose their original data to preserve data privacy. Federated evaluation plays a vital role in client selection, incentive mechanism design, malicious attack detection, etc. In this paper, we provide the first comprehensive survey of existing federated evaluation methods. Moreover, we explore various applications of federated evaluation for enhancing FL performance and finally present future research directions by envisioning some challenges.
List of keywords
Survey -> Machine Learning
Graph-based Molecular Representation Learning
Zhichun Guo, Kehan Guo, Bozhao Nan, Yijun Tian, Roshni G. Iyer, Yihong Ma, Olaf Wiest, Xiangliang Zhang, Wei Wang, Chuxu Zhang, Nitesh V. Chawla
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Molecular representation learning (MRL) is a key step to build the connection between machine learning and chemical science. In particular, it encodes molecules as numerical vectors preserving the molecular structures and features, on top of which the downstream tasks (e.g., property prediction) can be performed. Recently, MRL has achieved considerable progress, especially in methods based on deep molecular graph learning. In this survey, we systematically review these graph-based molecular representation techniques, especially the methods incorporating chemical domain knowledge. Specifically, we first introduce the features of 2D and 3D molecular graphs. Then we summarize and categorize MRL methods into three groups based on their input. Furthermore, we discuss some typical chemical applications supported by MRL. To facilitate studies in this fast-developing area, we also list the benchmarks and commonly used datasets in the paper. Finally, we share our thoughts on future research directions.
List of keywords
Survey -> Data Mining
Survey -> Machine Learning
A Survey on Intersectional Fairness in Machine Learning: Notions, Mitigation, and Challenges
Usman Gohar, Lu Cheng
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The widespread adoption of Machine Learning systems, especially in more decision-critical applications such as criminal sentencing and bank loans, has led to increased concerns about fairness implications. Algorithms and metrics have been developed to mitigate and measure these discriminations. More recently, works have identified a more challenging form of bias called intersectional bias, which encompasses multiple sensitive attributes, such as race and gender, together. In this survey, we review the state-of-the-art in intersectional fairness. We present a taxonomy for intersectional notions of fairness and mitigation. Finally, we identify the key challenges and provide researchers with guidelines for future directions.
List of keywords
Survey -> AI Ethics, Trust, Fairness
Survey -> Machine Learning
Survey -> Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications
Survey -> Natural Language Processing
A Survey on Out-of-Distribution Evaluation of Neural NLP Models
Xinzhe Li, Ming Liu, Shang Gao, Wray Buntine
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Adversarial robustness, domain generalization and dataset biases are three active lines of research contributing to out-of-distribution (OOD) evaluation on neural NLP models. However, a comprehensive, integrated discussion of the three research lines is still lacking in the literature. This survey will 1) compare the three lines of research under a unifying definition; 2) summarize their data-generating processes and evaluation protocols for each line of research; and 3) emphasize the challenges and opportunities for future work.
List of keywords
Survey -> Natural Language Processing
Survey -> Machine Learning
Survey -> Uncertainty in AI
Survey -> AI Ethics, Trust, Fairness
Uncovering the Deceptions: An Analysis on Audio Spoofing Detection and Future Prospects
Rishabh Ranjan, Mayank Vatsa, Richa Singh
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Audio has become an increasingly crucial biometric modality due to its ability to provide an intuitive way for humans to interact with machines. It is currently being used for a range of applications including person authentication to banking to virtual assistants. Research has shown that these systems are also susceptible to spoofing and attacks. Therefore, protecting audio processing systems against fraudulent activities such as identity theft, financial fraud, and spreading misinformation, is of paramount importance. This paper reviews the current state-of-the-art techniques for detecting audio spoofing and discusses the current challenges along with open research problems. The paper further highlights the importance of considering the ethical and privacy implications of audio spoofing detection systems. Lastly, the work aims to accentuate the need for building more robust and generalizable methods, the integration of automatic speaker verification and countermeasure systems, and better evaluation protocols.
List of keywords
Survey -> Machine Learning
Survey -> AI Ethics, Trust, Fairness
Survey -> Computer Vision
Survey -> Natural Language Processing
What Lies beyond the Pareto Front? A Survey on Decision-Support Methods for Multi-Objective Optimization
Zuzanna Osika, Jazmin Zatarain Salazar, Diederik M. Roijers, Frans A. Oliehoek, Pradeep K. Murukannaiah
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We present a review that unifies decision-support methods for exploring the solutions produced by multi-objective optimization (MOO) algorithms. As MOO is applied to solve diverse problems, approaches for analyzing the trade-offs offered by these algorithms are scattered across fields. We provide an overview of the current advances on this topic, including methods for visualization, mining the solution set, and uncertainty exploration as well as emerging research directions, including interactivity, explainability, and support on ethical aspects. We synthesize these methods drawing from different fields of research to enable building a unified approach, independent of the application. Our goals are to reduce the entry barrier for researchers and practitioners on using MOO algorithms and to provide novel research directions.
List of keywords
Survey -> Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems
Survey -> Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization
Survey -> Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications
Survey -> Humans and AI
A Survey on Proactive Dialogue Systems: Problems, Methods, and Prospects
Yang Deng, Wenqiang Lei, Wai Lam, Tat-Seng Chua
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Proactive dialogue systems, related to a wide range of real-world conversational applications, equip the conversational agent with the capability of leading the conversation direction towards achieving pre-defined targets or fulfilling certain goals from the system side. It is empowered by advanced techniques to progress to more complicated tasks that require strategical and motivational interactions. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive overview of the prominent problems and advanced designs for conversational agent’s proactivity in different types of dialogues. Furthermore, we discuss challenges that meet the real-world application needs but require a greater research focus in the future. We hope that this first survey of proactive dialogue systems can provide the community with a quick access and an overall picture to this practical problem, and stimulate more progresses on conversational AI to the next level.
List of keywords
Survey -> Natural Language Processing
A Unified View of Deep Learning for Reaction and Retrosynthesis Prediction: Current Status and Future Challenges
Ziqiao Meng, Peilin Zhao, Yang Yu, Irwin King
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Reaction and retrosynthesis prediction are two fundamental tasks in computational chemistry. In recent years, these two tasks have attracted great attentions from both machine learning and drug discovery communities. Various deep learning approaches have been proposed to tackle these two problems and achieved initial success. In this survey, we conduct a comprehensive investigation on advanced deep learning-based reaction and retrosynthesis prediction models. We first summarize the design mechanism, strengths and weaknesses of the state-of-the-art approaches. Then we further discuss limitations of current solutions and open challenges in the problem itself. Last but not the least, we present some promising directions to facilitate future research. To our best knowledge, this paper is the first comprehensive and systematic survey on unified understanding of reaction and retrosynthesis prediction.
List of keywords
Survey -> Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications
Recent Advances in Direct Speech-to-text Translation
Chen Xu, Rong Ye, Qianqian Dong, Chengqi Zhao, Tom Ko, Mingxuan Wang, Tong Xiao, Jingbo Zhu
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Recently, speech-to-text translation has attracted more and more attention and many studies have emerged rapidly. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey on direct speech translation aiming to summarize the current state-of-the-art techniques. First, we categorize the existing research work into three directions based on the main challenges — modeling burden, data scarcity, and application issues. To tackle the problem of modeling burden, two main structures have been proposed, encoder-decoder framework (Transformer and the variants) and multitask frameworks. For the challenge of data scarcity, recent work resorts to many sophisticated techniques, such as data augmentation, pre-training, knowledge distillation, and multilingual modeling. We analyze and summarize the application issues, which include real-time, segmentation, named entity, gender bias, and code-switching. Finally, we discuss some promising directions for future work.
List of keywords
Survey -> Natural Language Processing
Diffusion Models for Non-autoregressive Text Generation: A Survey
Yifan Li, Kun Zhou, Wayne Xin Zhao, Ji-Rong Wen
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Non-autoregressive (NAR) text generation has attracted much attention in the field of natural language processing, which greatly reduces the inference latency but has to sacrifice the generation accuracy. Recently, diffusion models, a class of latent variable generative models, have been introduced into NAR text generation, showing an improved text generation quality. In this survey, we review the recent progress in diffusion models for NAR text generation. As the background, we first present the general definition of diffusion models and the text diffusion models, and then discuss their merits for NAR generation. As the core content, we further introduce two mainstream diffusion models in existing work of text diffusion, and review the key designs of the diffusion process. Moreover, we discuss the utilization of pre-trained language models (PLMs) for text diffusion models and introduce optimization techniques for text data. Finally, we discuss several promising directions and conclude this paper. Our survey aims to provide researchers with a systematic reference of related research on text diffusion models for NAR generation. We also demonstrate our collection of text diffusion models at
List of keywords
Survey -> Natural Language Processing
A Survey on Masked Autoencoder for Visual Self-supervised Learning
Chaoning Zhang, Chenshuang Zhang, Junha Song, John Seon Keun Yi, In So Kweon
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With the increasing popularity of masked autoencoders, self-supervised learning (SSL) in vision undertakes a similar trajectory as in NLP. Specifically, generative pretext tasks with the masked prediction have become a de facto standard SSL practice in NLP (e.g., BERT). By contrast, early attempts at generative methods in vision have been outperformed by their discriminative counterparts (like contrastive learning). However, the success of masked image modeling has revived the autoencoder-based visual pretraining method. As a milestone to bridge the gap with BERT in NLP, masked autoencoder in vision has attracted unprecedented attention. This work conducts a survey on masked autoencoders for visual SSL.
List of keywords
Survey -> Computer Vision
Survey -> Machine Learning